Sunday, January 17, 2010

Streets Ahead Belts What Did This Dream Mean? It's Pretty Short?

What did this dream mean? It's pretty short? - streets ahead belts

I just had a dream that my ex-best friend arrived and I went to a park when we, we went around the track, and then we are back. On the way back to my former best friend did to fix the belt for a girl, but I go a little. Sun went on. After several roads were a hill. Then, suddenly more people. At the bottom of the hill, a group of boys who were on skates. Suddenly they formed a train, although I'm sure he was inside, I saw ahead of me and behind me. We were therefore in every celebration of the hip and skating on the other, but to dance at a time. I was facing the "train" and had an eye on the beloved child of another group of 7 to 8 children. He was skating, climbing and dancing. After about 5 minutes of dancing and skating, I almost fell once, but I opened my arms, while still rolling on the land and developed. Then there is a public car park, which was blue. Then everyone has gone, but I still felt someone holding my hips. Then I woke upup. What does this dream?


♥clever. said...

This is what .. You get in and your friend went .. (that is, if they were friends) stopped to fix anything .. They were a (what if they had a problem and will not help) and then .. then drew the group of people (friends) .. Now I have no idea what it is .. Sympathy is support an operation. and then the person at the end of the hips was probably his old friend who needs you, but you can not see ..

I hope that helped further questions .. .. E-mail me .. (kammiezx11 @ yahoo)

So Freshh said...

Perhaps the person who was a man in the hip, or someone you grind or crush. The dream is trying to tell you something, something about the relationship with someone. What I know is that this is a relationship. I hope I helped and good luck with your dream. ;)

Happy2he... said...

Perhaps this person is still on the hips, her boyfriend and I do not dance, and the things that meant something that I think it's just your imagination. But maybe he's just trying to tell you that's gone to every still there:)

Elise said...

Hey, there really is a dream dictionary on this page: ...

I am removing some keywords in your dream for you ..

Ex-boyfriend: Dream For an old friend means that you want for a time in the past when things were simpler. Or it could be a sign that it is time to start acting more mature. You may also miss his friend. Or you know someone who might just remind you of your ex-girlfriend in any way.

Park: the dream, in a park on a temporary escape from reality. Parks in dreams indicates renewal, meditation and spirituality. It is a common dream, if you are in a transitional phase, after a personal conflict or the end of a love story. To dream that lost in a park shows that struggles with school work, relationships or family. They feel alienated from people around you.

Walking: If you dream of brisk walking in his sleep, he comes to an object as desired to possess. To go in a nice place, you will possessor of happiness and grace. For walking at night and dream, sometimes bad luck, if the feelings are not reciprocated. To dream of walking on the water is, you have ultimate control over their emotions. Alternatively, they can symbolize the faith in you.

Belt: To view a tape in your dream, represents an inner conflict. You can choose between what you know to be intellectually trapped, and what your heart feels. If you have used or placed on the tape, you want a change in their environment. If you removed the belt in his sleep, shows the need for more security.

Hill: If you have a hill in your dream, it will you succeed in a social situation. If you do not climb a hill, waiting for someone to do something you are not yet ready. In order to drive down to draw a dream that if you keep your optimism in the face of difficulties, is a creative way to success, even if the failure seems certain.

Skating: Skating Dreaming symbolizes his ability to get a good balance in your life. She dreams of cracking the ice beneath meUR feet when skating, or if you fall on the ice is a warning against any attempt to move forward at the expense of others. See also the "way"

Dance: Dance in the dreams is a feeling of freedom, sexuality, and a positive attitude to life.

Blue: Blue is for truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. A very characteristic blue dream May your spirituality and optimism for the future symbolize.

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